Prof. Roberto Weber

UBS Foundation Professor of the Economics of Corporate Culture, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

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Roberto A. Weber is Professor for the Economics of Corporate Culture, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility at the Department of Economics and the Director of the Zurich Graduate School of Economics at the University of Zurich. He was previously a Full Professor of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. Weber received his doctorate from the California Institute of Technology. Prof. Weber is a CESifo Research Network Fellow and a Department Editor for Behavioral Economics and Decision Analysis at Management Science. He has published extensively on topics such as ethical behavior, social responsibility, leadership and economic decision-making in leading journals across economics, political science, psychology and management. In 2023, his commitment to supervising and supporting students was honored with the UZH Mentoring Award, an accolade based on nominations by young researchers at the University of Zurich.


Economics of Institutions, Organizational Economics, Behavioral Economics

UBS Foundation Professor of the Economics of Corporate Culture, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility

Prof. Roberto Weber

Mehr zu Prof. Roberto Weber auf

Roberto A. Weber is Professor for the Economics of Corporate Culture, Business Ethics and Social Responsibility at the Department of Economics and the Director of the Zurich Graduate School of Economics at the University of Zurich. He was previously a Full Professor of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. Weber received his doctorate from the California Institute of Technology. Prof. Weber is a CESifo Research Network Fellow and a Department Editor for Behavioral Economics and Decision Analysis at Management Science. He has published extensively on topics such as ethical behavior, social responsibility, leadership and economic decision-making in leading journals across economics, political science, psychology and management. In 2023, his commitment to supervising and supporting students was honored with the UZH Mentoring Award, an accolade based on nominations by young researchers at the University of Zurich.


Economics of Institutions, Organizational Economics, Behavioral Economics

Selected publications


Roberto Weber’s research is rooted in behavioral and experimental economics, with a particular focus on decision-making processes, trust, and ethical behavior within organizations. His work explores critical questions such as: How can we combat socially costly unethical conduct? Do leaders affect ethical conduct? What does it mean to act ethically in a market context? How can we measure social norms and trust? Through his studies, Weber seeks to understand how social norms and institutional frameworks shape economic behavior, contributing vital insights to corporate ethics and social responsibility.

Roberto Weber’s research is rooted in behavioral and experimental economics, with a particular focus on decision-making processes, trust, and ethical behavior within organizations. His work explores critical questions such as: How can we combat socially costly unethical conduct? Do leaders affect ethical conduct? What does it mean to act ethically in a market context? How can we measure social norms and trust? Through his studies, Weber seeks to understand how social norms and institutional frameworks shape economic behavior, contributing vital insights to corporate ethics and social responsibility.

Roberto Weber on Google Scholarbrowse


Our evaluations of leaders are often biased by factors over which the leaders have no control.
Leaders can play a critical role in maintaining ethical conduct in organizations.






Elena Boldin



University of Zurich

Department of Economics, Blümlisalpstr. 10, 8006 Zürich
(Google Maps)