The Grey Revolution –
Challenges and Chances for the
Swiss Economy
Wirtschaftspodium Schweiz
April 21, 2016, 3:30 pm to 7 pm, Zurich
In the coming decades most western nations will face
a "grey revolution" and will have to cope with the
demographic challenges this will pose. Should we try
to counteract the ageing of society through increased
birth rates or immigration? Or should we focus on
managing the ageing process by maximizing partici-
pation and flexibility in the labor market and by
trying to increase fairness across generations? How
can we devise a sustainable social security system for
If you are interested in attending, please block this
date. The detailed program together with further
information about the speakers will be available on
our website soon.
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Prof. Hans-Joachim Voth: Fear, Folly,
and Financial Crises – Some Policy
Lessons from History
Inaugural Lecture
March 7, 2016, 5 pm to 6:30 pm, University
of Zurich
On November 1, 2015, Hans-Joachim Voth was
appointed to the Professorship in Macroeconomics
and Financial Markets, endowed by the UBS Center.
In his public inaugural lecture, Prof. Voth will pres-
ent the latest academic insights into the history of
financial crises. What can we learn from the past
when it comes to defining strategies and policies for
dealing with financial crises? Why is the optimal
number of financial crises not zero?